- Arizona Department of Transportation plans to build the Interstate 11 Bypass around the Tucson Mountains, surrounding them with a freeway and the inevitable development that follows. This will irreversibly damage the pristine desert ecology of the Tucson Mountain region.
- I-11 will surround Saguaro National Park and Tucson Mountain Park, separating them from Ironwood National Monument, blocking Wildlife Corridors and destroying these jewels of our desert.
- The Bypass is allegedly for routing trucks around Tucson; however, with the widening of I-10 and I-19, such a bypass is not needed. I-11 is really meant to spur development west of the Tucson Mountains. It will make developers who own the land rich, while hurting our tourist economy by destroying Saguaro National Park, Tucson Mountain Park and Ironwood National Monument.
Please do not let this happen! Time is the of the essence with infrastructure funding from the Federal Government coming soon. Get involved. Join the Tucson Mountains Association and lend your voice against the unneeded I-11 Bypass.